Friday 13 March 2009

How Do Movies and Television Influence People’s Behavior?

Movies and television can influence people’s behavior. It is because nowadays most people can easily access to movies and television. There are many positive and negative impacts of watching movies and television to people’s behavior.

For positive impacts of watching movies and television, there are several things, such as: television can be the window to the world, entertaining, inspiring and motivating the people, and also can educate the children. Through watching television that shows many informative programmes, we can get so much information from all over the world. It will reduce prejudice to other people from other culture. Beside, there are many entertaining programmes that can reduce our stress. It also can educate the children through the educational programmes such as: Barney, Sesame Street, Dora the Explorer, and many other programmes that intended to the children. The other positive impact of watching television is it can inspire and motivating the people in their lives.

Not just positive impacts of watching movies and television, there are the negative impacts. First is according to the Yahoo Answer for How do Movies and Television Influence People’s Behavior, watching television will make the people less active because we just sit and sit while watching television. If we watch too much, it will affect our health. We become unhealthy, physically and mentally. Nowadays, we had rather to watch movies and television than use our own imagination (“Q&A”). Second is if we always watching television more than 6 hours a day, it may cause poor concentrate. Children who watch a lot of television can only concentrate on one subject for only fifteen to twenty minutes. They can pay attention only for the amount of time between commercials. Third is watching movies and television can cause violent. It is because there are many films that show murder, terror, and actions scene that are not good for children. It will influence the children to act like the people on the movie.

The worst influence to the people is watching movies and television can make the people addictive to it. People often feel a strange and powerful need to watch television even when they do not enjoy it. Addiction to television screen is similar to drug or alcohol depending.

These are some positive and negative effects of watching movies and television to people’s behavior. So that, how movies and television can influence people’s behavior is depend on your respond to the television and movies you watch. It is truly depends on you.

“Q&A: How do movies or television influence people's behavior?” <>


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